Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

I had such a great video to upload for this occasion BUT I am still learning about my video camera, uploads, and such and I uploaded it in the wrong format. One day I will work all of this out. Anyway, the video was part of Aaron's mother day program. They sang several songs about how much they love their mother then presented each mom with a single rose. It was a real tear jerker!! I managed to stay composed though. Aaron has been excited about this for some time and he wanted special clothes--he called them "handsome clothes." This is a picture of him before the program with his handsome clothes.

My boys did such a great job of making me feel special today. I hope all of you moms had a great one too!!!!

Lauren wanted her picture taken too! The older boys were not interested in pictures at all!


Michawn said...

a-dorable!! so cute in his handsome clothes. :)

Anonymous said...

Aunt Wendy I love the picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want you to show me the handsome cloths.............. What songs did they sing????????????????????????????????????????????? Love, Harrison.