Saturday, February 28, 2009

Check Him Out!

Our newest blog-worthy news is that AARON LEARNED TO RIDE HIS BIKE!!!!! He is so excited and so proud! Wouldn't you know that today it is rainy and cold and he can't practice!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fourteen Years Ago.....

today, we were married. How time flies!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

What's Up??

I know it seems that I post alot of Lauren but she is the only one who loves to have her picture taken. The boys literally run from the camera when they see me coming. She's not the favorite...just more photogenic;)

Brendan is doing great in the 5th grade. Reading so much and enjoying different books. He has fun with his friends at school and is enjoying several different video games right now.

Ethan made all 100's on his math facts this week which earned him a day at home! This was the reward they asked for if they could accomplish the thing they had the most trouble with at school.

Aaron's challenge was of course, keeping all his behavior points for the week. He passed with flying colors the first week and was so happy to get a day at home with Mom. Aaron wants to play T-ball this spring and is doing a great job reading!!

Lauren and I stay busy with a ministry here in town. We go 2 days a week for a few hours and have been blessed by being part of this ministry.

Thad is doing flight instruction at the airport.---More on that in the next post:)

Just a little update to see how the family is getting along.


four swimsuits are better than one!!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Lauren!!!

I can't believe she's three!!!

Instead of a party, we had a day at the salon!!

She wore her sleeping beauty gown of course!

Makeup, nails, and hair----she loved every minute of it.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The 2nd Mile Series

Just wanted to encourage you to download the 2nd Mile series from
Its free if you download it to Itunes. Awesome series. God has been preparing me for this one for awhile. See how He speaks to you too!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Our Little Diva!

Lauren's latest "trend" is to dress up in anything she can find. Sometimes it is cute!

Notice that the head band is actually a swimsuit top.

Sometimes, I get tired of her unloading her dresser drawers everytime I look in her room!

I had to hide that dress when she took it off so it wouldn't end up with stains all over;)