Thursday, August 21, 2008

First Day of School

We survived! A little complaining about all the hard work but we have finished the first day of school. A few pictures of that morning before I left them.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What About Thad?

Yes, I know the title of blog is whataboutwendy but I thought I would give an update on Thad for all of you pilot folk out there. He sent me a few pics of what he has been up to lately. Enjoy!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Just a Note

One week until school starts. I think we are all ready. The boys seem to be restless. I think the schedule will be good for all of us. We have enjoyed playing with cousins, gathering school supplies, and watching movies this week. We also helped out at our local "good will type" store. The kids really had fun with that. I was amazed at how much help they actually were! Thad is doing great except for missing all of these kiddos:)
Not too much to report here. Hope your week is going well.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Goofy Pictures for Daddy

Lauren has been checking all the school supplies to make sure they work properly. Can you see the orange marker all over her legs??? (Click to enlarge) Also notice the shoes in the background. She got two new pair of sandals and I find them lined up like that everyday.

This seems to be how I find them most of the time now-fighting or wrestling.

Ethan did not want his picture taken so he ran away. I got him this time though;

Sunday, August 3, 2008

We Had a Storm Last Night

Not in the house but outside. It has been a scorching wave of heat here. The high temps each day has been 102F. Miserable Hot!! Last night there was an unexpected thunderstorm with very high winds. The tv reported to expect 60mph winds but I think they were stronger than that. Check out these pics I took for Thad.

The trampoline was moved from the back yard to the front!!

The pump house was turned upside down. It is a very heavy one maded of wood.

Across the yard at the pool, tables everywhere and even one umbrella in the pool.

No damage to anything and we are thankful for that. This was a pretty impressive storm though;)