Sunday, March 21, 2010


I absolutely hate it. Yes, hate is a strong word but it is the perfect one for this. I have often felt quite guilty for hating normalcy but not lately. I think that this is part of the way that God designed me. It's for His glory that I am here on this earth. He has a special plan for my life and for me and it just doesn't include normalcy.
( This is not a hidden agenda for others that cling to normalcy and love it. I don't believe its a bad thing. Since this blog is what about wendy, I get to tell you about me :))
I am most unhappy with normal. I feel like I am not doing what God has asked me to do when all is normal. God intends for each day of my life to be different and unique. I don't always live up to it the way I would like. It is easier some days to be normal than to be the one that is left out, talked about, looked at weirdly. In fact, its so easy to get caught up in the what others think about me. Then I realize that my focus is me, me, me. When I have the courage to go against normal, I find that my focus is just where it should be....on HIM!


Just an update of the happenings here.....

It is snowing today. Crazy. The second official day of spring and snow. This is the place where it rarely snows and it has snowed maybe 3 times this year. WE are all ready for warmer weather.

Brendan is running track on the JV/Varsity track team. He is running the 1600M (1 Mile). His time last week was 7 minutes and 54 seconds. Not bad for very little training. He enjoys it and will run again this week. We hope to see it get easier every time and improve on his time.

We planted our garden a week ago. Onions, peppers, strawberries, spinach, carrots, and cilantro. The peppers were already not liking our cooler weather we were having so I have a feeling that they will need replacing after this snow and probably a chilly night :-(

Everyone made honor roll (A's and B's) on their report cards last week! Hooray!

We have a few new pets around our house.I will post some pictures soon.

Thad is still flying with a few students here until time to head north to spray.

Thats all for now!

Sunday, March 14, 2010