Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What about Wendy??


- has made some new excited about that!
- learns something new everyday....or keeps realizing that I don't know it all!
- should brush up her organizational skills...
- is ready for summertime with no schedules..
- can't wait to find out what baby Ezell is...boy or girl
- keeps laughing at all the crazy antics of her kids...and he chaos..well, after the chaos.
- just finished Crazy Love and is picking up a new book today!

Now some of the happenings around here:

Aaron won third place overall in the first grade at field day yesterday.

So proud of that medal!

Aubrey (my niece) showing Lauren the ropes at school.

Ethan at field day yesterday. He placed third in the race that I did not watch.

Brendan running the 800m at his last track meet.