Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Mom's Braggin' Board

It is every mom's right to brag about their kids. Like they just do all of these wonderful things because of us:) No, seriously, I am just so proud of their accomplishments! Where else can I openly brag on them but my blog?!

Lauren is now potty trained! She has been using her little potty for awhile. She has gone for about 4 days with only one accident. Last week, she started telling us when she needed to go. So wonderful to not have to buy diapers!! We do use them on occasion because I am afraid of the dreaded accident in public. Maybe I will get over that soon.

Brendan had now reached his goal for the year of 200 Accelerated Reading points. He is so happy. He has been reading so much lately. He is in 10th place in the entire school 3rd grade- 12th grade. What can I say? He loves to read!!

Ethan came home so happy on Friday. His teacher told him that his handwriting paper was the best in the class that day. She also said he wrote like a 5th grader. He was on cloud nine. So glad that he finally got some positive encouragement that meant something to him!

Aaron, well, as you know is a mess. His latest thing is that he is getting married. His PE teacher is going to take him and Cassie to the gym to get married. He asked me to come take pictures of them. He was very excited about all this until I told him that he has to move out when he gets married.

So as you can tell, never a dull moment in our household.

Thank you God for these sweet years. Help me to remember how short they are!!!

1 comment:

Michawn said...

How cute!! LOVE the wedding in the gym thing. How fun.