Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Just Hangin' Out

Ok, was I bragging about being well or something a few blogs ago??!! Ethan has had a high fever for a few days. He feels better during the day but the fever comes back at night. He has missed two days of school so far this week. Aaron claims to have a cough so I let him stay home on Monday. On Tuesday morning, he wakes me up with a horrible cough complaining that it hurts. So, he is home for his 2nd day too. On top of that, Thad started feeling bad Sunday night. He has no fever but SEVERE head congestion. Lauren has had a little fever. Brendan and I are the caretakers because we feel fine! I pray that everyone feels better SOON! This is a big week. Lauren will be 2 tomorrow!! Everyone has a Valentine's Day party on Thursday and I am a driver for Brendan's fieldtrip on Friday! Somethings gotta give!!!!!!!!!!! So pray for us this week. We don't want to feel bad or miss out on all of the fun we have planned.

I hope to give a little post for Lauren's birthday tomorrow. I am still trying to figure out how to download my videos to the blog.

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