Monday, December 17, 2007

Ethan's Post

Ethan is now 6 years old and in Kindergarten. He does not love school. He simply tolerates it. He does a good job on his papers. I think this year he has had more of a problem with his peers. We have noticed that all of a sudden it REALLY matters if his hair is laying down or if there is milk on his mouth. He only cares about this sort of stuff on school mornings. I don't know if someone is picking on him or what. I would think that kind of thing wouldn't bother him. His brothers joke around with him all the time. He has several friends that he really loves to play with and looks forward to seeing them at school. The work does not excite him. I hope we can continue to encourage him about his work. We keep telling him that he should be a good friend so the others can learn from his example. We are praying for him in this area.
Ethan loves hanging out with his Dad. It doesn't matter what he is doing--he just wants to watch or be there with him. I love to look out the window and see him "helping" Thad with the 4-wheeler or whatever he may be working on. He also spends time with his little sister. She LOVES him and he is so sweet to her. If he feels like being rough or wrestling, he goes to his brothers. They have such a good time wrestling and running. He has enjoyed duck and deer hunting this year. He hasn't killed anything yet and doesn't really feel a need to--he just likes to go.
He learned to ride his bike while we were in Michigan. He got a bigger one for his birthday and rides it all of the time.

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