Saturday, December 15, 2007

All the Madness!! All the Fun!!

We are so enjoying this holiday season. We are officially finished with all of the shopping :) Now we are planning on enjoying each other and all of the fun things to do. Today, we stayed home all day and made Christmas trees and candy and a big mess. It was so much fun. Tomorrow we will go to the Christmas musical at church. The boys only have two more days of school and two half days. They are looking forward to their Christmas parties at school. Brendan's class is donating to a family that lost their home to a fire instead of exchanging gifts. Ethan and Aaron's class will have a book exchange. They get so excited about it! We hope to make it to a movie this week. It has been quite a while since we've been to the theater. We will be celebrating Meme's birthday at the end of the week and going to see the Christmas lights. The kids look forward to these special things we do as a family. I love that part of Christmas. I am always surprised at how much they remember about the meaning of Christmas. We talk about the meaning behind the lights, trees and gifts and why we celebrate. They have learned alot from each other and they continue to teach me more each day. I am so thankful that in all of this madness and fun, they still know that all of the excitement is about the birth of Jesus!

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