Wednesday, March 5, 2008

An Uneventful Week

The weather has been crazy this week. It was around 75F on Monday. Then it got cold yesterday. We had a frost last night and today the kids are outside running around in the 65F weather. I am not complaining. At least they can get outside to run around :) This week has been pretty uneventful. We did some major cleaning today then ran errands. It is nice to stick little visits between the errands just to enjoy being out. We visited my mom at the bank and my sister and niece dropped by at the same time. More errands. Then visited the secretary at the office. Meme and Pop were there so we actually did a lot of visiting today. Talked to my good friend that works at the pharmacy. I guess there are advantages to living in a small town. It is good to see a friendly face and catch up with friends and family on errand day. The lady at McDonalds almost knows us I think. We are going to have to boycott the fast food joints and get to eating a little better. Little by little is the way to go. So I think I'll cut out Dr. Peppers first :( Am I rambling?? Just thought I'd sit and write a minute while the kiddos are outside.

1 comment:

Michawn said...

You're funny. Yes, totally rambling. :-) Sounds like a great small town day. Oh how I miss my Saline.