Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A More Serious Post

First of all, let me make it clear that I do not believe in glorifying the works of the enemy. I do not dwell on them nor make them the object of my discussions. I am (usually)a very positive person. I believe in speaking good things over people and circumstances. I don't always do the best job at doing that but I am trying to do more and more of it. So this blog should be taken as a call to pray. I want to inform you of things happening here so that you will know how to pray and see a little of this war that is raging against our family.

It actually started on Ethan's birthday. He said, "It hurts when I breathe." So the day after we find out he has mono and a bad case of it. His liver or spleen? was so swollen that it was causing pain when he took a breath. Then the other two boys got it too.
A week or so later, there is an awful case of coxsachie virus going around in the church nursery. Aaron and Lauren had it so bad that they could not eat and Aaron could not talk. It caused huge blister in their mouths.
While we were in Brazil, Brendan had this bizarre case of the hives. They were so severe that his eyes were swollen shut. Hives all over his body. No apparent reason for any of this.
Coxsachie virus came around again in November. Two of our kids got it.
In December, Lauren had a small boil in her diaper area. We had it cultured and it turned out to be MRSA- the resistant staph. This resulted in two days in the hospital.
We were so well in January. For Valentine's Day, the youngest three got the flu.
Now, Ethan has pneumonia. Aaron has the same cough so we are watching him closely. I am so thankful that we caught Ethan's in time to not have a hospital stay.

So my reasoning in sharing all of these details is so that you can see the battle we are fighting daily. I know this is nothing compared to the sufferings that many endure. We are trying to keep a good attitude because I know God has a plan for us. I am just taking this opportunity to ask my fellow prayer warriors to pray for our family. We need this sickness to be lifted off of us for a while. We are tired and weary and need YOUR prayers!!


Michawn said...

Let me just say that I think you are awesome and handling all of this so much better than I would be. Just one of my kids gets a cold for a few days and I'm tired and weary. I can't imagine all that you've endured for the past few months...seriously.

We will be praying. Man, God must really have great plans for you all considering the degree of opposition you are coming up against...continually.

Wendy said...

Thanks for your words of encouragement and most of all your prayers!!!!
Can't wait to see the new lil' Ebersole!!!