Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mother of the Year!

Yes, that's exactly how I feel this week. We were so excited to get to the last week of school. I kept telling myself over and over, "Get through the week!" The last day of school was our awards day. I sat with my family taking pictures of the two oldest boys. They both got awards for having honor roll all year long. (so proud!)I noticed that Ethan's hair was a little different. He never has forehead showing with his cute little haircut. (Brendan is the lucky child that inherited my cowlick;)) After awards were over I noticed that a huge chunk of his hair was missing! I fixed his hair for school and never noticed it. Does this give you an idea of how alert I am in the morning??!! My child cut his hair the night before!!! We found scissors and hair in his bed. Why?? Why would my seven year old do this??? All the scissors have been confiscated and I am aware that I have to wake up earlier in the am and have coffee before I fix hair!

1 comment:

Michawn said...

wendy, that is hilarious. but, dang...i thought that after the age of 4 or so i'd be free of that worry. shoot. ;)