Sunday, June 8, 2008

The New Dryer

Still, no working dryer yet. They didn't give us the correct side vent parts. We have a brand new dryer sitting in our washroom that is completely unusable. It is amidst the clothes hanging all over the room drying on hangers, doorknobs etc. Life goes on.
This week is VBS so I will not guarantee another post. We will have a great week but will be tired when we get home. Not to mention chores, cooking and raising all of these kiddos. I hope you have a great week and our dryer should be working by Tuesday. I'll keep you updated on that;)


Michawn said...

girl, you just need a clothes line, that's all. ;) seriously, i love them now. will probably have one even on furlough...ok, maybe.

Wendy said...

I have been trying to talk Thad into it and he says no. Nothing else to mow around!