Saturday, August 6, 2011

New Adventures

I am going back to work! I will be teaching fifth grade this year. I am excited and nervous. I am so happy that all of my kids will be at the same school. So we will all have the same schedule which makes going back to work so much easier. Everyone wasn't excited at first but after a trip to school and to get school supplies, they are eager to go! The kids will be in 8th,4th,3rd, and Kindergarten so I won't be teaching any of my own. I will miss homeschooling because we had a great year and learned so much! I am sure this year will be a grand new adventure too! I can't wait to share all about our year. Pray for us as we begin a new schedule, routine and so on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What am I gonna do now? You and Heather will have to call/text me at recess ;) I can come to games and pep rallies now! WOO HOO!!!
