Monday, May 2, 2011

Too early for snakes????

I don't think so.

We enjoyed a beautiful day Saturday. We played outside most of the day. There were about eight kids at my house at all times. When everyone went home, my boys decided to play hide-and-seek in the dark with their flashlights. Aaron came running on the back porch and noticed the cat, Black Ninja, playing with something. He came running in the house to tell me that it was a snake. I made them come inside so I could investigate. When I opened the back door,I heard a sound that I hadn't heard before. I wondered if it was possible that it was the snake. It just got louder. I had no idea how big this thing was and didn't want to find out for myself. Don't get me wrong-I can kill a snake and have before but not when it may be a rattlesnake! I called for reinforcement. My brother in law happened to be at home and came quickly. The snake was coiled up under the grill.

This is the after picture. It was about two feet.

I am so thankful that it didn't get to my kiddos first. So scary that it was on our back porch!!!

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