Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Ok, so here is the update on our little girl. She is SO FUNNY. We are laughing at things she says and does all of the time. She loves to sing and can sing just about anything she hears once. The latest funny is her pronunciation of Halleluia.(May not be as funny as my spelling) She sings Hale woo a, and she says it three times really fast. She is always up to something. We laughed when we found piggy this way. I think it was a case of really bad diaper rash!

She loves all the girl stuff like makeup and baby dolls. She is fascinated with Cinderella even though she has never seen the movie. We love to watch all the new things she learns about. She gives away lots of love! She will come up to me when I am busy and hug and kiss me and say "I love you too Mama." How sweet is that???!!!

She loves her brothers especially Ethan. He plays with her alot and doesn't aggrivate like Aaron. Aaron loves to hear her squeal so he takes her stuff and runs so she will chase him. Sounds like a lot of fun at this house huh?

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