Friday, November 2, 2007


We had a great trip to Brazil. It is a beautiful place and we met some wonderful people. However, we just did not feel God's peace that this was the place He would have us work. Yes, it is strange but we have prayed for a while that if this was the place, we would know it. We didn't have the certainty that we would need to move a family of six here. What now? We don't know. We do know that God has a plan for us!! Pray for us that we would draw close to HIM during this time of waiting. We want to be faithful, obedient servants. That is our hearts desire!!!!

We had a great time visiting with the Ebersoles. They have a beautiful family and are involved with a great organization!! We also met some wonderful people from the organization. They invested lots of time in us and we are certain that they have a heart to serve and are doing a wonderful job in Brazil.

I will try to include some pictures in this post but I am still having problems with adding captions to my pictures. If anyone would like to clue me in to that, feel free! So here goes the pics............

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Wendy,
Good to hear about your trip. We will definetely be praying. Our family knows all about the waiting part. We've moved and the boys seem to be transitioning well. Love you guys! Kim Pugh