Wednesday, April 20, 2011

And He's Off........

Officially on the road.......
never where he expects to be.......
always an obstacle to overcome!

Yep, that about sums it up. He got the call as we were eating lunch at Pizza Hut. We were talking about our plans to go to the Angola Rodeo and those plans quickly changed. We spent the next hour figuring out how to make a 26 hour drive, a two day flight, and study for a state exam in four days! We got it figured out. He passed his test with flying colors(Thank you, God) and is now flying in some frigid temperatures. These are the pictures he took along the way.

He began his trip looking at this:

Then the weather got alot nicer!


Then this.....

not that pretty when you are in a crop-duster.

So thankful for a safe trip!

ps. We went to the rodeo without him. The kids loved it and can't wait til Daddy gets home so he can see it too!


We saw Sara Evans and Josh Turner on Friday night. (My two favorite country singers)
Then 33 Miles Saturday afternoon!!! It was great to have all of that talent within a 30 minute drive and all in the same weekend!!!! But that's not all.......

I would like to introduce my new neice to you

This is Zoe'Elizabeth. She just arrived home in the states last Friday. She is adjusting very well. She loves her new siblings and she has such a wonderful personality. So excited to have a new neice and watch her as she experiences things for the first time:)