Monday, June 21, 2010

Rolling on the River

We went to spend some time with Thad this weekend. We took the kids down the river on a raft. They has so much fun. Lauren was unsure about this at first.

Breaking for lunch and watching some of the other people go by.

Brendan was testing out the freezing cold water before we all got in.

Aaron figured out a way to stay cool but not get in yet. One leg in- one leg out. Notice our trusty boat driver doing all the work in the back.

We managed to not turn the raft over. The kid's favorite part was when the water was shallow enough to walk beside the boat as we drifted downstream. It was so hot we all jumped in. They had a great time and loved doing something new.

Friday, June 11, 2010

More Pictures

Wanted to post more of the birthday boy. He had a good time but not sure that he is used to it being all about him.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Aaron!

I can't believe my baby boy is seven!!! He asked to go out and eat at a place where they would sing to him. This is what he did when that happened.

The whole family at Olive Garden

He had a pool party and had so much fun. That's him in the royal blue shirt.

Lots of fun in the pool.This was a very easy party.

He chose a Super Mario ice cream cake. It was a hit and also very pretty.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Pictures for the Airplane People

We went to see Thad last week. This is him headed straight for us.

Ethan watching Daddy spray.

Landing on a nice runway...