Friday, July 10, 2009

She Doesn't Get This From ME!!

This whole girly girl thing is really crackin' me up!! She needs to wear dresses EVERY day. She is constantly putting on her play makeup--blue eyeshadow is the current trend ;) Hair accessories are a pretty big deal too. Today's request was two braids with a flower on top. And last but not least..EVERYTHING revolves around being a princess!!

Yesterday's scenario:

(Mom & Dad hugging in the kitchen)

STOP!!!!! That's my handsome prince!!!!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

My "Baby" is Eleven!!!

Can you believe that???!!! Brendan is 11 years old!!! He will be going to the 6th grade this year. THAT IS JUNIOR HIGH PEOPLE!!!!! Can you tell that I'm not so sure about this??!! Its so hard to see that lil man that has always been my baby a little man!?! OK, enough on all that. Here are some pictures of his birthday. He had quite the day and was treated a bit "royally"...I think;)

The day started off with our traditional Happy Birthday cinnamon rolls for breakfast-Plus a little aggrivation from Dad!

Everyone loved that it was Brendan's Birthday! What a fun day!

Blowing out the candles.....

on his birthday cookie cake!!!

Looks like daddy is suffering through this day. Don't ya think?

Can you ever really win enough tickets????

A big surprise for everyone at the end of the day!!!!

Don't worry! To ward off all the damage mom and dad did on this special day, the boys are learning to replace toilet seats today!! See they aren't totally ruined!!!